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Our Guide to Aquatic Plants

Aquatic Plants at Stone & Water World


The Best Aquatic Plants for Your Garden Pond: A Comprehensive Guide 

Water has the power to transform any garden into a tranquil haven, and nothing enhances this effect more than the right aquatic plants. From fully submerged varieties to those that float on the surface or grow along the pond edge, here's our definitive guide to choosing the best aquatic plants for your pond.


Getting Started: What to Consider Before Buying Pond Plants


Types of Pond Plants

To maintain a healthy and visually appealing pond, aim for a mix of:

1. Marginal plants
2. Oxygenating plants
3. Floating plants


Water Depth

Always check the required water depth for each plant. This will help you place the plant in the right spot and ensure your pond is adequately deep.


Pond Size

Select plants that fit the size of your pond. Some plants can grow rapidly and overwhelm smaller ponds.


Invasive Species

Consult New Zealand's invasive plant list and avoid planting species that might pose environmental risks.



Top 6 Aquatic Plants for Garden Ponds


Cyperus Papyrus (Marginal Plant)

This Egyptian paper rush adds a touch of exotic architecture to your pond. Although tender, it can be potted and moved to a sheltered spot during winter. Its bright green stems and tufted umbels make it a striking addition to your pond.


Golden Japanese Sweet Flag (Marginal Plant)

Growing up to 30 cm tall, this shrubby plant thrives fully or partially submerged in water. It usually blooms when partially submerged and typically grows in wetlands and shallow waters.


Water Lily (Floating Plant)

The hardy Water Lily (Nymphaea spp.) has glossy green leaves and produces heavenly flowers that rest above the water, making it a must-have for any aquatic garden.


Lotus (Floating Plant)

Lotuses are renowned for their stunning flowers and floating leaves. Although similar to water lilies, they generally require warmer temperatures and are more suited to tropical climates.


Water Milfoil (Oxygenating Plant)

Myriophyllum propinquum is a non-endemic New Zealand native herb with fine fern-like dark green/red foliage. This excellent oxygenating plant is also ideal for aquariums and fish ponds, and it's particularly beneficial for spawning fish.


Bacopa Caroliniana (Oxygenating Plant)

A great choice for beginners, this easy-to-grow plant can reach over 20 cm if left untrimmed. It thrives even under low light and oxygenates the water efficiently.


By following these guidelines, you can create a well-balanced, beautiful, and healthy pond. Always remember to consider your pond's unique attributes when selecting plants. Feel free to consult with experts for personalized advice tailored to your needs.


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