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How to: Add a touch of whimsy to your garden

Whimsical Garden Display


Add a Touch of Whimsy to your Garden with Decorative Statues & Ornaments

Gardens are often considered havens of tranquillity, providing an escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life. While the plants and flowers typically capture our attention, incorporating decorative statues and ornaments can enrich your garden with a touch of whimsy and magic. At Stone & Water World, we offer a broad array of options to help you inject your outdoor space with imagination, turning it into something far beyond the ordinary.


Why Add Whimsy?

A whimsical garden can captivate your imagination and evoke a sense of wonder. It not only serves as a focal point but also offers a reflection of your unique personality and style. Adding just the right piece can transform your garden from a mere collection of plants into a mystical retreat.


Types of Decorative Items

Here are some popular types of decorative items that can add a whimsical flair to your garden:

Mythical Figures

Think of gnomes, fairies, or even mystical creatures like gargoyles and dragons. These figures lend a storybook quality to your garden. 


Frogs, birds, dogs, cats and even more exotic animals like flamingos or peacocks can lend an element of whimsy.

Whimsical Planters

Beyond traditional pots, there are countless creative options like our Groot planters, or decorative planters with fine detail like this motif planter, or an apple tub.

Sundials, Weather Vanes, Bird Baths

Incorporate functional but decorative items that not only serve a purpose but also add character to your garden. 

Sculptures of People

From classic sculptures of dancers and musicians to modern abstract human forms, these pieces can make your garden feel more personal and unique.


Where to Place Them

  • Entrance: A welcoming statue at the entrance to your garden can set the tone for what’s inside.

  • By Water Features: Statues and ornaments look especially picturesque when placed near a pond or fountain.

  • Pathways: Use smaller ornaments or statues to line pathways, encouraging people to take a stroll through the garden.

  • Centrepiece: Larger, more intricate statues can serve as the centrepiece of your garden, ideally placed where they can be seen from multiple angles.

  • Hidden Nooks: Tuck away a statue in a less obvious spot as a delightful surprise for keen explorers.


What's On Offer at Stone & Water World?

Dragonstone: From the UK

Dragonstone offers an array of whimsical statues, bird baths, and miniature figures that encapsulate a unique British charm. These pieces serve to enchant any garden, offering an inviting and magical feel.

Stone & Water World's Terrazzo Sculptures

For those who prefer local New Zealand flair, we have our own range of terrazzo sculptures that include both modern and Kiwiana-inspired designs. These pieces add a local touch to your whimsical outdoor space.

Direct from Indonesia

For a more exotic appeal, we offer a selection of statues from Indonesia featuring elements like animals, mythical creatures, and Buddhas that add both wonder and a sense of the mysterious.

Hanging Items

Wind chimes and other hanging ornaments can offer a multi-sensory experience to your garden, creating auditory as well as visual interest.


How to Choose the Right Items?

While selecting statues and ornaments, it’s important to consider factors such as material, size, and how they will integrate with your existing garden decor. Stone, metal, and resin all have their own unique appeal and levels of durability. If you find the multitude of choices overwhelming, the experts at Stone & Water World are here to guide you in making selections that will perfectly complement your garden.


Get Inspired

Your garden is more than just a space for plants; it's an extension of your home and a canvas for artistic expression. At Stone & Water World, we offer a plethora of statues and ornaments that can elevate your garden into a sanctuary filled with whimsy and wonder. Whether you're looking to add a dash of British charm or an exotic touch, you'll find something that suits your taste in our diverse collections. Come visit us to find the perfect pieces to transform your garden into a magical, whimsical landscape. 


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