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Frequently Asked Questions

This page covers a range of FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) as well as product manuals and installation guides.
If you can't find what you are looking for or have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us or head to our blog for more How To guides.


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Installation Guides

How to install a Bowl & Stand Water Feature? Get the Guide Here
How to install an Urn Water Feature? Get the Guide Here
How to install Pond Liner? Get the Guide Here
How to install a Pre-Formed Pond? Get the Guide Here
How to install Stonemats? Get the Guide Here




How many litres does my Pond hold?
Calculate (in metres) the width x length x depth x 1000 = capacity in litres

Do I need continuous water supply feeding my Pond or Water Feature?
No, pumps recirculate the same water over and over. That being said, continuous water supply systems can be beneficial if the pond will be left unchecked for long periods of time. 

How do I get rid of Mosquito larvae?
Fish eat mosquito larvae, however, if you don't have or want fish there are pond treatments such as Mozzie Dunk or Feature Clean that are effective for mosquito and Blackfly larvae. Mosquitoes like still water, so a pump with a fountain attachment or water fall will also discourage mosquitoes from laying.

How do I locate a leak in my Pond?
An easy way to find a leak is by filling up your pond and switching off the pump (if any) for at least 24 hours to a week. See where the water level drops to, if it drops half way the leak is half way down the pond etc.

How do I fix a leak in my Pond?
First, find where the leak is originating from. A hairline crack in a concrete pond can usually be repaired with pond paint, larger cracks may require Epoxy Mortar to fill the gap, followed with Pond Paint. Small punctures to Pond Liner can generally be repaired with a repair kit. Depending on the size of the crack/puncture the pond may require full replacement. If you're not sure, Contact Us or email us a photo.

What is the legal Pond depth?
Up to 400mm (40cm)

How many litres to a gallon?
1 Litre = 0.26 Gallons, 100 Litres - 26.4 Gallons 

How much Pond Liner do I need for my Pond?
You can determine how much pond liner you will need for your pond by calculating the following 
(Remember to allow extra for corners or holding the edges down):
Pond Depth x 2 + Pond Length = Required Liner Length
Pond Depth x 2 + Pond Width = Required Liner Width
For example, if your pond is 1Wm x 2Lm x 0.4Dm you will require a liner approximately 2m x 3m.



Plants & Fish

Why has my water lily died?
Your water lily may not have died, they do go dormant over winter, with new growth appearing in spring. 
Water lilies and other pond plants with leaves that float on the pond surface, can only breathe from the upper surface of their leaves. Water continuously splashing from fountains or waterfalls can suffocate the leaves, and may cause them to yellow and die.

How many fish will my pond accomodate?
Fish start small and grow to the size of their environment, fully grown fish can reach about 200mm (20cm). Having said this, if your pond is too small it will stunt your fish's natural growth. An average calculation is one fish (fully grown) per 200 litres.

How to protect my fish from predators?
A good deterrent, that is also beneficial to your pond, is a pump with a fountain nozzle. The moving water deters birds and cats, while aerating and moving the water. Plants, rocks and driftwood are also great shelter for fish to hide amongst, and also help with the ecological balance, provide food and a place for spawning fish to lay their eggs.

How many aquatic plants do I need?
It is recommended that about 70% of the pond surface is covered with plants for natural filtration, they also provide, shelter and a healthy eco-system within the pond.

Are Bonsai Trees easy to look after?
Yes! Bonsais are easy to maintain, so long as you provide suffiecient water and sunlight.




What size/capacity pump do I need?
To work out a suitable pump will depend on the complete set up. For example if you have a pond and gold fish with a fountain nozzle, a suitable pump would be able to turn over the water once an hour (1500 litre pond = 1500lph pump), a suitable filter is double the capacity of your pond. If the pump is to run a cascading rock water feature, the pump would be worked off the total length, height and occasionally the width of the cascade. Please Contact Us for more information or help.

How do I know if my pump needs replacing, or a replacement part?
Generally, if the pump makes a rattling or rumbling sound it will just require a replacement part, such as a impellor or shaft. If the pump is switched on and there is no sound or movement it's generally an electrical fault. If the pump is low voltage it may just need a replacement transformer. If you are unsure, or want further information, please Contact Us.

Are pumps suitable for chlorine or saltwater?
No, chlorinated and saltwater corrodes the pumps' internal system very rapidly so they should only be used in fresh water.

Can pumps be run off a battery system?
In short, no. Our electrical pumps run off an AC (Alternating Current) system, while batteries are DC (Direct Current).

How much power do pumps use?
Our most common pumps (approximately 2000lph), tend to be less than a light bulb to run.

Can the electrical cable be extended?
Yes, we have low voltage extension cables available for most of our products. Your electrician will be able to extend 240v cables. We suggest checking with your electrician about 240v or low voltage (some products are only available in 240v or LV).

Are pumps submerisble or in-line?
All of our pumps are fully submersible. Our Pondline Pumps (excl Filter Pumps) are also able to be run in-line, although submersed is preferred. If running in-line, always make sure the pump is lower than the water level.

Pondline Pond Pumps. Get the Manual Here
Pondline Filter Pumps. Get the Manual Here
Boyu All-in-One Pump & Filter. Get the Manual Here




What size pump and filter do I need for my pond?
As a general rule a suitable pump size will be the same capacity as the pond (1500 litre pond = 1500lph pump), and double the capacity of the filter. This will vary depending on if there is a water feature and what size the feature is.

Boyu UV & Bio Filters. Get the Manual Here
Filter Maintenance. Get the Guide Here



Pebble & Stone

How much pebble does a trailer hold?
A standard trailer can hold up to half a cubic metre (0.5m3). Twin axle and braked trailers can take more.

How many bags of pebble is in a m3?
There are 64 bags (of 15ltr/25kg bags) per m3.

How much pebble do I need for my garden or path?
To work out how much pebble you require, multiply the length x width x depth (in metres) = m3 required. The most common depth is 0.05 (50mm/5cm) although this won't apply to all stone sizes, larger pebbles will require more depth to account for the pebble size. For example an 80mm pebble calculated into a 50mm depth will be under estimated as the pebble is almost double the depth.



General Information

What are your hours?
We are open 7 days! Our Mt Wellington Branch is open from 8am - 5pm on weekdays, and 9am - 4pm on weekends. Our Albany branch is open from 9am - 5pm on weekdays, and 9am - 4pm on weekends. You can view all our hours here.

Do you provide installation services?
Stone & Water World does NOT offer an installation service, or on site consultation. However, we can provide the information for contractors who are regular visitors of our store and are familiar with our products. See 'Contractor Referral List' below for more information.

What is an IP Rating?
IP = Ingress Protection. The IP number rates the protection provided against intrusion, including water. The most common IP for our electrical products (transformers) is IP44. An IP44 means that the item is 'splash proof', not waterproof. We recommend placing transformers in a dry, well ventilated place.

What is an electrical current (AC/DC)?
Electric current refers to the flow and amount of electricity flowing through a circuit. AC = Alternating Current, DC = Direct Current. In direct current, the voltage is always constant, and the electricity flows in a certain direction. In alternating current, the voltage periodically changes from positive to negative and from negative to positive, and the direction of the current also periodically changes accordingly.

What is GRC?
GRC stands for glass reinforced concrete, it is a blend of cement mortar that is reinforced with glass fibres. The glass fibres incorporated into GRC enhances the strength of the material while also significantly lightening it. It is designed to be long lasting and have a much lower impact on the environment than traditional concrete or stone. 

Contractor Referral List. Get the List Here